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Tiêu đề Chủ đề: ACDSee Pro Photo Manager 9.0 Build 108 Trả lời bài viếtGửi bài viết mới
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Ngày gửi: 28/06/2007 lúc 9:53 sáng | Đã khóa IP Trích dẫn DUCVINH83

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ACDSee - the worlds #1 digital imaging software. ACDSee Photo Manager is a comprehensive application ideal for acquiring, organizing, viewing, enhancing and sharing your images. With the image browser, you can find, organize, and preview images and media files on your computer, and you can efficiently acquire images from digital cameras, scanners, and other devices. A full-featured image viewer and media player quickly generates high-quality displays of your images and media files. You can run slide shows, play embedded audio, and display multiple page images. ACDSee supports over 50 image and multimedia file formats. Also, ACDSee includes a wide variety of image editing tools you can use to create, edit and touch-up your digital images.
Use tools such as red-eye reduction, crop, sharpen, blur, and embos to enhance or correct your images. Image management tools, such as exposure adjustment, convert, resize, rename, and rotate, can be performed on multiple files at the same time. The new user interface is completely customizable, and provides quick access to tools and features. You can customize the screen layout, the order of images, toolbar display, and many other options to suit your preferences. ACDSee Photo Manager is a fast, powerful, and easy-to-use image management system that everyone from novices to professionals can use and enjoy.

ACDSee 9 makes organizing your photos exactly that: Quick and easy, so you can play with and share the great photos you’ve got. Get Photos fast from any storage device, and ACDSee 9 automatically categorizes your shots based on metadata information (e.g., keywords, size, date taken). You don’t even have to lift a finger. You can also use new password protected Private Folders to store confidential information.
Get an array of rapid full-screen quick viewing tools, time-saving Print Layouts that make your home printing easier and less confusing, as well as powerful email options, slide shows, CD/DVD burning, and web album tools that make sharing your photos as easy as can be. Enhance your photos with quick fixes like red-eye removal, color cast removal, exposure adjustments, and the Photo Repair tool.
Batch rename, crop and resize lots of photos at once, then quickly drop them into folder systems, ratings, or custom categories. With ACDSee 9 you can instantly fix photos that are too dark or too bright with the new Shadow/Highlight tool.

What’s New in ACDSee 9 Photo Manager :

* Windows Vista™ Certified.
ACDSee 9 is Windows Vista Certified, providing the best possible experience when viewing, managing and publishing your photos on Windows Vista™, XP and 2000.

* Faster viewing with Quick View mode.
See your photos instantly onscreen with the Quick View mode. Whether opening an image attachment to an e-mail, or double-clicking on a JPEG from Windows Explorer, the Quick View mode is a fast and efficient addition to ACDSee’s powerful viewing tools. Pared down to include the viewing and browsing essentials, it displays your photos with greater speed than ever before.

* Easier photo fixes with One-click red-eye reduction.
With this improved editing tool you don’t even have to click directly on the problem area in order to fix it. Just single-click in the vicinity of the reddened portion of the subject’s eye and ACDSee automatically fixes it. Presto!

* Bring your photos back to life with the Shadow/Highlight tool.
Save photos that you would’ve previously deleted. The Shadow/Highlight tool provides stunningly easy, instantaneous, and easy photo correction for poorly exposed photos (photos that are too dark or too bright), without affecting areas of the image that don’t require adjustments. The Shadow/Highlight tool appears in ACDSee’s Edit Mode for easy access.

* Lock up your special photos with Private folders.
Private Folders protect your personal photos in a secure area so only you can view them. If you have photos or files that you want to remain confidential, just move them to a Private Folder, set a password, and ACDSee Photo Manager will keep them under lock and key.

* Organize your collection with Calendar Events View.
The Calendar Events View automatically organizes your photos based on the date they were taken. That means your photos get displayed in an organized event list, which you can personalize with a unique description for each event, like “AutoShow” or “My Summer Fishing Trip”.
You can even add thumbnails to dates in your Events View for convenient viewing and browsing of future and past events. The Events View appears as a new display option in the Calendar Pane.

* Save time and effort with Auto Categories.
Auto Categories take the pain out of organizing your photos by doing it for you. When Getting Photos from your camera or storage device, ACDSee Photo Manager now automatically puts your photos into convenient categories based on EXIF camera information, IPTC data, ACD database information, and file properties.
This gives you a range of options to search your photos from later on – all without having to rename or sort a single photo on your own. Your shots are automatically sorted from the start, which means less work for you.

* Show photos right on your desktop with ACDSee Showroom.
ACDSee Showroom brings your photo memories right onto the desktop. Set a folder path to your favorite shots, then sit back and watch. A sleek movable widget appears that displays your photos in sequence.
With Showroom, photos no longer have to stay buried away in the recesses of your hard drive. Showroom lets you showcase your collection and enjoy it whenever you’re working off the desktop.

* Make home printing a breeze with Print Layouts.
Print Layout reduces the complexity and confusion of printing multiple photos. It gives you a variety of print layout options with helpful wizards that make it easier than ever to print your photos from home. Print multiple 4x6 prints on a single page, or fill an entire page for an 8x10.

* Organize on the fly with Group By.
Group By provides you with a powerful new way to organize your photos. Group By makes it easier for you to view your photos faster and more efficiently by arranging your photos into subsets – allowing you to sort and view your photos in more detailed groupings. You can Group By keywords, size, when the photos where taken, and other commonly used information.

* Sort photos like a pro with Filter By.
Filter By gives you improved sorting and display capabilities, making it easier to show photos that are assigned to particular ratings or categories. Filter By is quick and easy to use – for example just Select Filter By Rating 1 and only the photos in the selected folder(s) assigned to Rating 1 will be displayed.

* Quickly navigate and display photos with Table of Contents.
Table of Contents is a new display that provides you with an easy-to-navigate summary list of groups of photos in a folder. It’s available when using the new Group By feature, and makes it easier and more seamless to find, select, and view the group of photos you’re looking for.


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